Adding an attachment to an email in earlier versions of Outlook used to be so terrible, that I would always either open the folder containing the file I want to send and do drag & drop into a new message, or just right-click on the file and choose Send To -> Mail Recipient.
Well, they’ve made a big improvement in Outlook 2016 – if you haven’t upgraded or aren’t on Office 365, you’re missing out!
The “Attach File” button on the menu ribbon now opens up a (long) list of the most recent files you’ve been working on. You can include any of them with just one click each. Of course, if you still need to browse for it, you can do that too.
If you’re like me, you develop muscle memory for doing repetitive tasks like this, kind of like not using your index finger because it has a splinter in it. I was happy that my Outlook splinter was removed, and hope this helps to make life simpler for some of you as well!