Managed IT Services
At Nomerel, we believe that customers shouldn’t have to wrestle with complex technology decisions. From the moment we engage with you to the solutions we deliver, we are all about making your life easier.
Managed IT Service (MSP)
Our team is comprised of engineers and technicians who can resolve any problem in your environment, often before it occurs! This means fewer interruptions in productivity, fewer delays, and faster resolution of your problems. Anytime an authorized user of your staff needs computer help, they simply call the Nomerel Support Line for instant access to the support they are looking for. Nomerel support technicians are located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and are ready to assist your needs.
vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer)
What is vCIO, you may ask? In a nutshell it is the 24|7|365 proactive management of your company’s IT environment. In the past, MSP companies have primarily been “Break-Fix” companies. You break it, you call us, and we fix it. A Virtual Chief Information Officer provides consultation for your technology strategy as a third party, as opposed to in-house CIO. When you subscribe to MSP services, Nomerel oversees your entire IT infrastructure and provides important information such as advanced warning of a warranty expiration and creates options on appropriate solutions (purchase more warranty vs replace old equipment). Knowing in advance what IT expenses are coming allows your company time to budget appropriately for your IT infrastructure.