IT Expert Shares Tips To Get Your Team Remote, Fast

by Mar 17, 2020Articles, Blog0 comments

With the recent Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), we have seen the number of remote workers skyrocket as a majority of the countries workforce hunkers down in self-quarantine to slow the spread of COVID-19. 

The Coronavirus is creating a stressful experiment for executives, managers, and employees. Having adequate equipment, applications, and secure connectivity are among the top pain points companies who are moving employees out of the office have experienced. At Nomerel, we have been seamlessly connecting remote workers with offices and managers for years. 

From phone systems to securing access, here is our manager’s guide to getting your team remote. 

Integrated Cloud VoIP Phone Systems Help Reduce Lack Of Clear Communication

Since you will not have the same face-to-face correspondence that you would typically have with an employee working out of your office, there is room for new types of miscommunication. 

Our Cloud PBX VoIP phone systems and mobile management services are capable of scaling to thousands of remote workers fast, and connecting them like they were all located in an office. Our mobile device management system manages connectivity between everything from a VOIP phone in an office to a laptop being used at home or on the go. In today’s workforce, it’s possible that more work is done in front of a smartphone or tablet than what’s done at a desk. Employees can even bring their own device (BYOD).

Nomerel’s VoIP PBX is a cloud-hosted phone system that is capable of meeting the most stringent enterprise demands while remaining affordable and straightforward for use in smaller companies. Integrated cloud phone systems a necessary step and the perfect communication tool to connect offsite workers to ensure your new communication plan runs smoothly.  

Secure Remote Access Paves The Way For Peak Productivity

Thanks to advances in networking technologies, employees are able to work from home with secure access to all vital files and projects. Nomerel can get your workforce on a secure private network in record time. Our VPN services enable individuals and businesses in different locations to access a secure central network. This also remains cost-efficient as it uses your existing telecommunications foundation. VPN technology is by far one of the best infrastructures for remote work. 

This ability to work from anywhere while staying connected to the office is a benefit for employees who are forced to work from home during these uncertain times of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Protecting Employee Computers From Hackers Is Good For Morale

We live in a time of many uncertainties and our immune systems are at risk with the Coronavirus. The last thing an employee working from home for the first time should worry about is their computer getting hacked.

Whether employees use company-issued devices or their own when connecting remotely to your network, those devices should be secure. Nomerel’s provides all-inclusive managed IT services, which includes 24/7 monitoring, on-call support, hardware failure labor, data backups, and overall peace of mind to your managers, executives, and employees. 

With Nomerel, managed services start as low as $35.00 per user per month. 

Practicing Legal Compliance When Working Outside Of The Office

Most, if not all companies, have to adhere to laws designed to protect the privacy of their information as well as the clients they serve. A great example of this is HIPPA; the HIPPA Security Rule establishes the standards in which doctors handle the privacy of their patients using electronic devices. With more than 40% of providers using devices to send prescriptions or access records, it’s essential that they remain up to date on these rules. A good mobile device management system allows a health provider to do this because along with IT support, compliance can be monitored and, if necessary, updated system-wide. 

For busy business owners, using the services of an IT company brings peace of mind when it comes to managing valuable company data and devices. With our technology services in place, you can focus on growing your business instead of losing sleep over COVID-19 and what is portrayed in the news. 

If you are ready to bring hope to your customers and employees with a complete technology infrastructure that we keep your workforce going, then give us a call. 


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